Invest in education, invest in the future

My Connection

I am the great-grandson of K. Ramaswamy, I feel a responsibility for the education and well-being of the children it serves. While I didn't grow up in the community, I have visited and spent time there and seen firsthand the challenges faced by many families. I didn't initially feel a deep connection to Bharathi Primary School, but as I learned more about its role in providing quality education to underprivileged children, I began to see the school's significance. As a teen, I am committed to supporting the school and the children it serves in any way that I can, whether through fundraising, volunteering my time, or advocating for the school. I believe that education is crucial to breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a better future for the community. I am passionate about providing children with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life, and I am proud to continue my family's legacy of education and community service.

Advait Vedant

Hey, I'm Advait Vedant, a junior at Homestead High School. I am interested in computer science and math, and I'm focused on applying those skills to finance. My goal is to use my programming background to help people in meaningful ways.

Our Supporters

Samanyu Shrivastava

Hi, I'm Samanyu, a junior at Homestead High. I am passionate about computer science and math, and I want to use my skills to benefit other people and help them improve themselves. I helped raised books for Bharathi Primary School.


"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

- Mahatma Gandhi